Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast Reduction Surgery at Groote Schuur Hospital

Frequently asked questions

How does the process work to get a breast reduction at Groote Schuur Hospital?

  1. Breast reductions are not offered to patients on a fee for service basis.
  2. All patients referred for breast reductions, regardless whether you are a paying out of pocket, have a medical aid or are a public service patient, are seen at the Plastic Surgery Clinic first. If you qualify for a breast reduction your name will be put on a waiting list.
  3. Once you are on the waiting list an estimation of the cost for the procedure can be requested from the case manager at Groote Schuur Hospital. The doctor at the plastic surgery clinic needs to provide you with the relevant codes for the procedure. Please note that the cost is different for every patient and will be calculated according to your income.

Who qualifies for breast reduction surgery?

  1. Your breast needs to large enough to cause symptoms to warrant breast reduction surgery.
  2. You need to have a BMI of under 28 (Your BMI can be calculated by visiting the following website) 
  3. If your BMI is more than 28 you need to loose weight before attending the clinic.
  4. You need to be a non-smoker
  5. You need to have a referral letter from your local clinic doctor or GP


If you fulfil these criteria you can ask your GP to refer you to the Plastic Surgery Outpatient Clinic. The telephone number for outpatient appointments is 021 4045566 You need to take a letter from your GP with when you come for your appointment.